Saturday, 30 January 2016


I am lost
Lost the way,
We're lost between
faces known and unknown
I smile, I cry, I shout, 
No one hears
I can't hear myself either.
Eyes up, eyes down, eyes rolling, eyes blurred
I see many
But I don't really see any
I am lost
Lost the way you're lost in a web of thoughts,
thoughts about the past, present and the future,
thoughts about the thoughts that I thought were long forgotten
thoughts about what is thought, who thinks, and why
Long thoughts, and short thoughts
thoughts that matter,
and the ones that don't matter,
shouldn't matter,
I am lost in what you conceive of me, and what I am, and what you've made of me
I am lost.
Lost the way you're lost in middle of a conversation
conversations that are cut short
and the ones that don't end
conversations that are all the same
since ages
conversations that do not have beginnings, middles or ends
conversations that lead nowhere,
I am lost
Lost the way you're lost in a moment,
a moment that is a mis of several other moments
a moment that may or may not lead to another moment
a moment that is just another moment
a moment that promises but doesn't return as much
I am lost.
I am lost but wait for me,
Wait the way you wait for a kid that forgets the way to home.
Wait, the way you wait for a letter,
that has long been sent through the post
Wait, and just wait.
I'll be home soon.

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